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Spring 2025 Registration Information & Changes

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Registration Periods

Regular Registration - January 1, 2025 through 11:59 PM February 14, 2025
$55.00 first child

$40.00 for second child in same household
$30.00 for each additional child from the same household

Late Registration - February 15, 2025 through March 1, 2025
$65.00 first child

$50.00 for second child in same household
$35.00 for each additional child from the same household

League Changes 

MCSL will be for players U5-U13.  Children born in the following years are eligible to register for MCSL: (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)

MCSL will be moving towards the following age groups IF registration numbers are sufficient for this setup and IF there is an adequate number of volunteer coaches: U6, U8, U10, U13

MCSL will move to a coaches draft team formation league in spring 2025.  The league WILL NOT accept requests for specific coaches.  If you want your child to have a specific coach you must contact that coach after you register.  Then at the league draft, coaches will be permitted to automatically have 2 coach request players on their team.  All players after the 2 per team requests are saved will be put into the drafting pool.  Players who register after teams are drafted and finalized will be randomly placed on teams starting with the team with fewest players.  Players who register after teams are finalized WILL NOT be permitted to choose their coach under any circumstances.


Frequently Asked Registration Questions


1. Do I have to register on-line, will there be in-person registration?  Yes.  We can provide paper registration upon request. 


2.  What are the age groups?  We determine our age groupings based on enrollment numbers.  We will attempt to have U6, U8, U10, U13 beginning spring 2025.


3.  When will practices be held?  Coaches of each team will set the practice schedule.  The league does not dictate team practice schedules.  


4.  When will games be held?  We try to play games every Saturday once the season begins.  However depending on number of teams and coach's personal schedules sometimes games are played during the week.


5.  Are there games on Sundays?  The league will not schedule games on Sundays, however sometimes coaches will agree to play make-up games on Sunday afternoons.


6.  Registration system isn't working for me?  It is recommended that the registration program be used on a laptop or desktop and Chrome is the recommended browser.  However it can be successfully used on tablets and phones.  The program is not owned by the league, like any other computer program it will have glitches.  So please if you have registration issues, contact the league via FB, ask questions, be nice and understand that on some issues the league has to rely on another entity.


7.  When will the season begin and end?  Spring season runs mid-March through mid-May.  Fall season runs mid-August through mid-October.


8.  Can I request a specific coach?  The league will no longer accept parent requests.  Requests need to be made directly to the coach.


9.  If my child quits after I pay the registration fee can I get a refund?  No.  There are NO refunds once registration is paid.


10.  What equipment is required?  Players must wear shin guards in practice and games.  It is highly recommended your child wear cleats.  They cannot be baseball or football cleats.  It is also highly recommended that your child have a ball.  The league will provide jersey tops.


11.  The registration system says there is not a program for my child?  First double check the birthdate you have entered for your child.  If you still get this message check to make sure you have completed all tasks requested up to this point in the program.  Failure to respond to an item may trigger this message.  If you have double-checked all of this, then please contact the league via FB and we will let the program company know about the error.


12.  I don't use FB how can I contact the league?  You may email league president Chip Wood at  You may also text or call Chip at 304-593-4973.  


13.  What is the cost?  See the fee schedule above. 

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